Monday, October 19, 2009


I was only able to work on Tues this week. I've been feeling a little under the weather. I thought that I'd be working on the pack cads today that I started last week but Josh had a few other things for me to work on. There were a few SMU's he had me work on. First I needed to change a few design details on the Puerto Rico backpacks I worked on last week. Nothing that big, just a few tweaks. After getting that file squared away I worked on two hat SMU's. One for Tilly's and another for The Buckle. It was a new process for me, a little different than working with backpacks. I had to think about how the printing would line up with the panels and bill along with other embroidery applications. I also had to design with the client in mind. The target customer for Tilly's is different than one for The Buckle. Josh helped me nail down some designs to play with and by the end of the day I had about 5 designs for each SMU to show.

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